Sunday, September 1, 2013

Different Types of Pit-Bulls.

The all American Pit-bull Terrier.

This Pit-bull terrier shown in the left is actually called a ''Blue'' Pit-bull terrier. It is known for it's grayish Blue color. They are typically more expensive than regular Pit-bull terrier's due to the fact that they are a rarer bred color. These pit-bulls are a smaller breed. A full grown pit-bull terrier will weigh around 45-80 pounds. They are very playful and they love to explore!

The all American Pit-bull.

This pit-bull breed is not to much different from the terrier. It is larger than the terrier once it reaches it's full maturity it can weigh 80-100 pounds. The one shown in the left photograph is a white and brown spotted all american pit-bull. These pit-bulls are also very playful and they act very similar to the terrier.

The ''bull-dog''commonly mistaken for a Pit-Bull.

 The dog in the left photograph is an All American Bull Dog. Similar in looks However different name and different breed. The all American Bull dog is stocky and well built weighing more than pit-bulls there average weight is 120 pounds!!! Some bull dogs weigh more some less it all depends on there diet and how active they are. These dogs are very playful and there attitude depends fully on how they are raised.